2015年4月15日 星期三

Criticle Reflection

During the peer reflection sessions, I habe  learnt how to improve on my writing skills by the process of reading comments from classmates, and writing comments to others. 
For my problem solution essay,  I received comment from My classmate and felt that his suggestion is constructive and really helpful. He pointed out that my introduction can be strengthen and clearer, as I did not explain the relationship between social media and copyright infringement clearly. He also suggested that I should explain the problem with more detail in introduction to make whole essay clearer. 
I agree with him because the topic which I had chosen is not very popular and general enough. After I reread my essay, I realised that I really need to add in more explaination in first part of essay; the link between social media and shopping website is weak and confusing. Likewise, my tutor suggested me to define some particular nouns, such as Taobao, which is one of the biggest shopping website in China. It may be confusing if reader do not familiar with it or had no experience of online-shopping.  Problem solution essay should be general as it is presenting to everyone, I have to make sure that everyone are able to understand every specific words in my essay. Peers comments was helpful as it figured out the problem in my essay so I could improve on it.
Apart from reading feedback from others, this activity also gave me a chance to read others essay and learnt how to write in a better way. After reading some of our classmates’ essay, I found that they have concise and clear introduction and good organisation, which made their essay flow and clear, and that is what I should learn from them.

In conclusion, through reading and commenting others essay, I have learnt how to develop on my own essay, as it enable us to discover our problem in writing and give us a chance to improve and learn from others. 

2015年4月2日 星期四

critical reflection outline

During the peer reflection session, I received comment from Asyraf and felt that his suggestion is constructive and really helpful. He pointed out that my introduction can be strengthen and clearer, as I did not explain the relationship between social media and copyright infringement clearly. He also suggested that I should explain the problem with more detail in introduction to make whole essay clearer. I agree with him because I had chosen the problem of copyright infringement on shopping website as my topic, which is not very general. After I reread my essay, I realised that I really need to explain more in first part of essay; the link between social media and shopping website is unclear and confusing. Likewise, my tutor suggested me to define some particular nouns, such as Taobao, which is one of the biggest shopping website in China. It may be confusing if reader do not familiar with it or had no experience of online-shopping.  Problem solution essay should be general as it is presenting to everyone, I have to make sure that everyone are able to understand the specific words in my essay. Peers comments was helpful as it figured out the problem I had so I could improve on my essay.

Apart from received the comment from others, this activity also gave me a chance to read others essay and learnt how to write a better essay. After reading some of our classmates’ essay, I found that they have concise and clear introduction and good organisation, which made their essay flow and sound. Through reading and commenting others essay, I has learnt how to develop on my own essay. In conclusion, peer reflection enable us to discover our problem in writing and give us a chance to improve and learn from others.



2015年3月30日 星期一

Problem Solution Essay draft3

The widespread use of social media provide instant information to bring users more convenient lives. However, as social media platforms proliferate and there is a lack of legal control over the information transmitted, the chance for the unauthorized use of photographs and written materials increases. Copyright infringement became a severe problem in China and the misuse of advertising photos on shopping websites is becoming a common phenomenon. Many shop sellers are using others’ photos to advertise their own products. Taobao, the biggest shopping website in China, has most series copyright infringement problem. Although reporting system has been implemented by Taobao, to prevent photo infringement, use of unauthorized materials continues to lead to false advertising, which has never ended.

As photo infringement had become a severe problem in China, IRP Team (Intellectual Property) of Taobao and SAIC (State Administration of Industry and Commerce of the peoples Republic of China) should implemented some policies to solve this problem.



Proliferation of advanced social media such as Weibo and shopping website enhance the large amount of photos being exposed and shared on Internet, which encourages sellers to use unauthorized photos from those platforms. Most illegal sellers get infringing photos, especially from Weibo, as it shows high resolution photos. According to a report (Tong, 2015), Taobao has often been criticized for offering counterfeit products and has allowed merchants to sell these products without the brands authorization. Large numbers of Taobao sellers post photos of products which are manufactured by other shops, or advertise their own products by using other shops’ brands to attract more customers. SAIC released a report that claimed that 10.6% of products sold on major Chinese websites on the Single's Day online shopping holiday were not legitimate products from authorized dealers (Tong, 2015). This shows that the advanced social media has worsened the problem of copyright infringement and resulted in false advertisement.


One solution that Taobao has implemented to deal with the problem is the IRT Protection System. An online reporting system allows shoppers and shop holders to report sellers who are using unauthorised photos to sell counterfeit goods. However, the online reporting system has not been successful as the reporter has to provide series of original photos of products to prove their ownership; the maximum size for uploaded photos is only 5MB. Numerous reporters are complaining that they could only upload compressed photos which look not much different from the photos being stolen. In many cases, it is difficult for officers to differentiate between the original photos and copyright-infringing photos. It shows that the requirements for reporters to report unauthorized photos is contradict the reporting system itself. It seems impossible for reporters to provide compressed photos with low resolution to demonstrate their ownership, and it is also the reason why many officers were failed on their investigation. The inefficient measurements explain why the false advertising is still rampant in China now.


To deal with this problem in more efficient way, a more efficient reporting system in Taobao should be developed. Firstly, the IRP Protection System should increase more ways for people to provide information and evidence during reporting process. According to List Of Ten Best Online Shopping Website, Amazon is the top online retailer with the largest sales in the world (John, 2013).It putting more effort in resisting infringing photos through more complete and sophisticated reporting system to prevent counterfeit products from being sold. Amazon allows photos to be uploaded in forms of links if the image size is too big, and maximum fifty products can be reported at the same time. It helps sellers to provide evidence efficiently, and have higher chance to succeed in reporting. Secondly, more details should be required from a reporter when reporting. In the case of Taobao, the ownership of products and photos, especially between producers and agents, is always difficult to be identified. Moreover, as it is common for sellers and agents to advertise their products by posting photos on various platforms, original producers or brands are hardly being traced and recognised. Therefore, the reporting list should include detail information such as name of producers and company, as well as personal information of shop owner and staff who participate in the production of products and photos. As more information is provided, progress for investigation and report auditing may not be so time- consuming.  



Apart from the development of reporting system, SAIC should play an important role in supervising the operation of Taobao. As mentioned before, Taobao’s reporting system has to be developed to increase the efficiency of resisting infringing photos. There is also a penalty system to alert and penalize sellers who use unauthorized photos. Their shops will be removed from search list for few months or even permanently. However, it will only succeed if IRT Team is fulfilling their obligation. Liang has reported that corruption between sellers and IRT officers have become common phenomena in Taobao (Liang, 2012). Officers who accepted bribes help illegal sellers to remove report towards them so those sellers can continue using infringing photos. It shows that the collusion between shop owners and officers is one of the main problem of false advertisement and photo infringement in Taobao. Any anti-copyright infringement policies may not work effectively if corrupted officers participate in IRP Team. 


In order to prevent the operation of system being disturb by the dishonest officers, SAIC have to increase pressure on Taobao to supervise IRT Team by enhance relevant law. The criminal penalties to corruption should be implemented strictly by Taobao managers to control their officers. In 2012, under the pressure of SAIC, nine Taobao stores have closed down and permanently barred from the Internet shopping platform after they allegedly bribed Taobao employees for illegal gains (China Dairy, 2012). This demonstrates that the surveillance of SAIC and the participation of Taobao managers are essential in fighting with copyright infringement. The implement of punishment to corruptive employees will also have deterrence effect on Taobao officers to prevent further corruption in future.


In conclusion, the proliferation of social media has encouraged the misuse of unauthorized photos and further has led to the false advertising. The inefficiency of IRP Protection System and corruption among Taobao employee allows photo infringement continue to occur rampantly in Taobao. Therefore, development of a reporting system is essential to resist infringing photos. Likewise, SAIC has responsibility to ensure that the reporting system can be functioned effectively by supervise the IRP Team under Taobao.
















Tong,F.(2015). Alibaba disputes a Chinese government report that it sells phony goods. Internet Retailer. Retrieved from https://www.internetretailer.com/2015/01/28/alibaba-defends-itself-reports-it-sells-phony-goods


List of 10 Best Online Shopping Sites in the World (2013, November 30). Times News. Retrieved from http://www.timesnews.co.uk/974-list-of-10-best-online-shopping-sites-in-the-world/


9 Taoba stores shut for bribery. (2012, May, 5).ChinaDairy. Retrieved from http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2012-05/05/content_15217581.htm

2015年3月11日 星期三

Problem Solution Essay Draft 2

The wide spread of social media provide instant information to bring us more convenient lives. However, as Internet platform proliferate and there is always lack of legal control over the information transmitted, chance for misuse of unauthorized items increase. Copyright infringement becoming a severe problem in China, misused of advertising photos on shopping website are being known as a common phenomenon, many sellers are using others photos to advertise their own products. Although some protection system has been implemented by Taobao to prevent photo infringement, false advertisement has never been putted to an end. The essay is going to discuss why the present solution has been unsuccessful and how IRP Team (Intellectual Property) of Taobao, SAIC (State Administration of Industry and Commerce of the peoples Republic of China) have crucial role to resolve this problem.

Proliferation of advanced Internet platform such as Weibo and shopping website enhance the large amount of photos being exposed and shared on Internet, this encourage online shoppers to use unauthorized photos from those platforms. Most of illegal sellers get infringing photos especially from Weibo as it shows high resolution of photos. According to the report, Taobao has always been criticized for offering counterfeit products and has often allows merchants to sell a brands products without the brands authorization (Frank, 2015). Large numbers of Taobao sellers post photos of products which are manufactured by other shops, or advertise their own products by using other shops brand to attract more customers. Furthermore, SAIC released a report claimed that 10.6% of products sold on major Chinese websites on the Single's Day online shopping holiday were not legitimate products from authorized dealers(Frank, 2015). This shows that the increasing Internet platform had worsen the problem of copyright infringement and result in false advertisement.

Taobao had implemented IRT Protection System to deal with the problems. Online reporting system allows shoppers and shop holders to report sellers who are using unauthorised photos. Penalty system was being used to alert and penalise sellers who intend to “steal” photos from other shops. However, the online reporting system has not been successful as reporter has to provide series of original photos of products to prove their ownership; the maximum size for uploaded photos is only 5MB. Numerous reporters are complaining that they could only upload compressed photos which look not much different from the photos being stolen. In many cases, it is difficult for officers to differentiate the original photos and infringing photos, furthermore ,it always take few days for them to complete the reporting process. The inefficient measurements explain why the false advertising is still rampant in China now.

To deal with this problem in more efficient way, reporting system in Taobao have to be developed. Firstly, IRP Protection System should increase more ways for people to provide information and evidence during reporting process. According to Time News, Amazon is the top online retailer with the largest sale in the world (Time News, 2013), it putting more effort in resisting infringing photos through more complete and sophisticated reporting system, to prevent counterfeit products from being sold. It allows photos to be uploaded in forms of link if the images size is too big and maximum fifty products can be reported at the same time, this helps sellers to provide evidence efficiently and have higher chance to succeed in reporting. Secondly, more details should be required from reporter when reporting. In case of Taobao, the ownership of products and photos, especially between producers and agent is always difficult to be identified. Moreover, as it is common for sellers and agents to advertise their products by posting photos on various platforms, original producers or brand were hardly being traced and recognized. Therefore, the reporting list should include information such as status and company name of seller, as well as personal information of shop owner and stuff participated in the production of products and photos. As more information provided, progress for investigation and report auditing may not be so time consuming.   

Apart from the development of reporting system, SAIC also play an important role in supervising the operation of Taobao. As mentioned before, Taobao’s reporting system has to be developed to increase the efficiency of resisting infringing photos. However, it will only succeed if IRT Team is fulfilling their obligation. Sina News reported that corruption between sellers and IRT officers have became common phenomena in Taobao (Liang, 2012). Officers who accepted bribes help illegal sellers to remove report towards them so those sellers can continue using infringing photos. In order to prevent the operation of system being disturb by the dishonesty officers, SAIC have to increase pressure on Taobao to supervise IRT Team by enhance relevant law. In 2012, under the pressure of SAIC, nine Taobao stores have been closed down and permanently barred from the Internet shopping platform after they allegedly bribed Taobao employees for illegal gains (ChinaDairy, 2012).This demonstrates that the surveillance of SAIC and the participation of Taobao managers are essential in fighting with copyright infringement.

In conclusion, the proliferation of social media encouraged the misused of unauthorized photos and further led to the false advertisement. The inefficiency of IRP Protection System and corruption among Taobao employee allows photo infringement continue to occur rampantly in Taobao. Therefore, development of reporting system is essential to resist infringing photos. Likewise, SAIC have responsibility to ensure that the reporting system can be functioned effectively by supervise the IRP Team under Taobao.

(905 words) 


Frank,T,(2015),Alibaba disputes a Chinese government report that it sells phony goods. Internet Retailer. Retrieved from: https://www.internetretailer.com/2015/01/28/alibaba-defends-itself-reports-it-sells-phony-goods

List of 10 Best Online Shopping Sites in the World (2013, November 30). Times News. Retrieved from: http://www.timesnews.co.uk/974-list-of-10-best-online-shopping-sites-in-the-world/

9 Taoba stores shut for bribery (2012, May, 5).ChinaDairy. Retrieved from: http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2012-05/05/content_15217581.htm

2015年3月9日 星期一

An Influential Event

The most influential even in my life would be immigrating to Singapore. Before I came to Singapore, I never study hard as there are too many temptations during school life. There are few department stores and comic books shops around my school which really distracted my attention from studies. I always hanged out with my friends in game centre or Coffee shop after school; I didn’t know what is revision and homework. When I first came to Singapore, I had to face a problem, how to continue my study here. It was not so easy for foreign students to enter government school as the admission examination is difficult. Furthermore, there were hundreds of foreign candidates participated in examination, which was really competitive. I realized that I had to change my attitude towards study and think about my future.  School works and remediation almost happened everyday and there are no entertainment activities in my free time. I have to sacrifice my free time to catch up my studies or I had no chance to pass the examination. Although it was really tiring and despondent at start, I managed to overcome the difficulties during that period.  The encouragement given by my friends and teacher had also motivated me to study harder. I started to understand that as grew older, we must take responsibility for everything we have done. Everyone have to work hard to achieve their goals and better future.  The tough life I experienced when I came to Singapore is a turning point of my life, if I chose to stay in my country, I will not change my attitude towards life and just sleepwalk through my days. I am glad that I made a right decision to immigrate to Singapore.

2015年3月4日 星期三

Problem Solution Essay Draft 1

The wide spread of social media such as Facebook and twitter had shrunk the distance among people in different parts of the world and providing instant information to bring us more convenient and fulfilling lives. However, as there is always lack of editorial and legal control over the information transmitted, copyright infringement is becoming a severe problem nowadays. In China, misused of advertising photos on shopping website are being known as a common phenomenon, many shop owners are using others photos to advertise their own products; it leads to the false advertising and disputes among customers and shop owners. To minimize the false advertising issues, IRP Team (Intellectual Property) of Taobao, SAIC( State Administration of Industry and Commerce of the peoples Republic of China)have  crucial role to play in enforcing the relevant law and educating public.

Advanced technology of network enhance the large amount of photos being exposed and shared on platform like Weibo in China, this increase the chance for online shoppers to collect and use unauthorized photos from those platform. According to the report, Taobao has always been criticized for offering counterfeit products and has often allows merchants to sell a brands products without the brands authorization (Frank, 2015). Taobao sellers usually post photos of products which are manufactured by other shops, or advertise their own products by using other shops brand to attract more customers. Furthermore, SAIC released a report claimed that 10.6% of products sold on major Chinese websites on the Single's Day online shopping holiday were not legitimate products from authorized dealers(Frank, 2015). The evidence shows that the copyright infringement, especially for photos had resulted in false advertisement and further violates customer’s right.

Taobao had implemented IRT Protection System to deal with the problems. Online reporting system allows shoppers and shop holders to report sellers who are using unauthorised photos. Penalty system was being used to alert and penalise sellers who intend to “steal” photos from other shops. However, the online reporting system has not been successful as reporter has to provide original photos of products to prove their ownership; the maximum size for uploaded photos is only 5MB. In many cases, it is difficult for officers to differentiate the original photos and infringing photos, furthermore ,it always take few days for them to complete the reporting process. The inefficient measurements explain why the false advertising is still rampant in China now.

To resolve the problem in more efficient way, reporting system in Taobao have to be developed. Firstly, IRT Protection System should increase more ways for people to provide information and evidence during reporting process. According to Time News, Amazon is the top online retailer with the largest sale in the world (John, 2013), it putting more effort in resisting infringing photos through more complete and sophisticated reporting system, to prevent counterfeit products from being sold. It allows photos to be uploaded in forms of link if the images size is too big and maximum fifty products can be reported at the same time (Amazon.com), this helps sellers to provide evidence efficiently and have higher chance to succeed in reporting. Secondly, more details should be required from reporter when reporting. In case of Taobao, the ownership of products and photos, especially between producers and agent is always difficult to be identified. Therefore, the reporting list should include information such as status and company name of seller, as well as personal information of shop owner and stuff participated in the production of products and photos. As more information provided, progress for investigation and report auditing may not be so time consuming.   

Apart from the development of reporting system, SAIC also play an important role in supervising the operation of Taobao. As mentioned before, Taobao’s reporting system has to be developed to increase the efficiency of resisting infringing photos. However, it will only succeed if IRT Team is fulfilling their obligation. According to Sina News, corruption between sellers and IRT officers have became common phenomena in Taobao (Liang,2012). Officers who accepted bribes help illegal sellers to remove report towards them so those sellers can continue using infringing photos. Some corrupted employees remove the comment from costumers who being deceived by the sellers. In order to prevent the operation of system being disturb by the dishonesty officers, SAIC have to increase pressure on Taobao to supervise IRT Team by enhance relevant law. In 2012, under the pressure of SAIC, nine Taobao stores have been closed down and permanently barred from the Internet shopping platform after they allegedly bribed Taobao employees for illegal gains (ChinaDairy, 2012).This demonstrates that the surveillance of SAIC and the participation of Taobao managers are essential in fighting with copyright infringement.

In conclusion, inefficiency of IRP Protection System and corruption among Taobao employee are one of the main problems of the photo infringement in Taobao. As the using of infringing photos on Taobao is rampant now, reporting system have to develop more efficient way to enable people to report infringing photos, likewise, SAIC have responsibility to ensure that the reporting system can be functioned normally.



Frank,T,(2015),Alibaba disputes a Chinese government report that it sells phony goods. Internet Retailer.Retrieved from: https://www.internetretailer.com/2015/01/28/alibaba-defends-itself-reports-it-sells-phony-goods

John,(2013),List Of 10 Best Online Shopping Sites In The World.Times News.Retrieved from: http://www.timesnews.co.uk/974-list-of-10-best-online-shopping-sites-in-the-world/

(2012),9 Taoba stores shut for bribery.ChinaDairy.Retrieved from: http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2012-05/05/content_15217581.htm

2015年2月16日 星期一

Reader Response Draft 3

The article, Who is the true enemy of internet freedom-China, Russia or the U.S?’’ by Morozov (2015) claims that the U.S. is the true enemy of Internet freedom. Morozov gives several examples to explain how the U.S obtains data from other countries by cooperating with American-based Internet Companies, and how it further challenges worldwide information sovereignty with its technology. On the other hand, it seeks to justify Chinas and Russias efforts in defending Internet security and protecting citizens from Western culture influences, through the implementation of Internet restriction policies.


As Morozovs article explores the reasons for Internet restriction in China and Russia, it is more important for us to discuss whether Internet restriction can be justified, instead of determining who the true enemy of Internet freedom is.


China has imposed restrictions on Internet platform services such as Google and Facebook due to several reasons. Firstly, the Chinese government is trying to protect its technological sovereignty. By reducing their peoples reliance on American-based Internet services, China lowers their risk of leaking information pertaining to confidential matters of state. Morozov states that U.S. companies cooperate closely with the U.S government so as to obtain data from anywhere, as long as the country adopts American-run Internet services. It is demonstrated by the ongoing squabble between Microsoft and the U.S government(Morozov,2005), which is relevant to an investigation of Microsoft servers in Ireland, where the U.S government claimed to have rights to access data regardless where it is stored (Morozov, 2015). This shows that the U.S. is ambitious enough to control information on a worldwide scale. In fear of data leaks from state, the Chinese government has to restrict Internet services to protect its information sovereignty. Therefore, in the sense of protecting national security, Internet restriction can be understood and justified.



Secondly, apart from the defence of nation security, Internet restriction can be seen as way of nation governance in China. Frizell, (2004) argues that Chinese government had concerted effort to limit information about the incipient pro-democratic movement, such as Tiananmen Square Massacre and Xinjiang riots.  This shows the Chinese government is preserving its own political interest, rather than protecting their citizens from Western influence and to defend their Internet security. In my general opinion, citizens should have rights to access information and have freedom of speech. However, the successful attainment of Internet freedom is dependent on a nations actual condition, such as the state system and level of civilization. As a state with a large population, it is not easy for China to maintain peace and unity among citizens; so Internet restriction can be seen as a way to maintain state order. As Michael (2010) cited, laws in China clearly prohibit the spread of information which subverts state power and undermines national unity. This can be observed in the 2009 Xingjiang riot, where the Chinese government had censored posts related to the riot caused by resentment between the Han Chinese and Uyghur. This was to minimize the spreading of information which could challenge the harmony between the two races. If censorship had not been implemented, protesters from the two races may foment unrest, which could further put the country at risk of civil strife.
Although Internet restriction has prohibited citizens from accessing certain information, we cannot deny that it does protect a nations security to a certain extent.


In conclusion, it is important for us to understand that there is no definite right or wrong. In case of China, a state which has rather large population and unequal development of education and social system, government has to restrict any information which can challenge national unity and defend its information security, by implement any relevant policies. As there is nothing more important than the nation interest, Internet restriction can be justified in certain situation.

(595 words)


 Morozov, E. (2015). Whos the true enemy of internet freedom - China, Russia, or the US. The Guardian. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jan/04/internet-freedom-china-russia-us-google-microsoft-digital-sovereignty

Frizell, S. (2014). Here Are 6 Huge Websites China is Censoring Right Now. TIME. Retrieved from http://time.com/2820452/china-censor-web/

Michael,B.(2010).China defends Internet censorship.BBC News.Retrieved from: www.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8727647.stm



2015年2月5日 星期四

Reader Response Draft 2

The article, “Who is the true enemy of internet freedom-China, Russia or the U.S?’’ by Morozov (2015) claims that the U.S. is the true enemy of Internet freedom. Morozov gives several examples to explain how the U.S obtains data from other countries by cooperating with American-based Internet Companies, and how it further challenges worldwide information sovereignty with its technology. On the other hand, it seeks to justify China’s and Russia’s efforts in defending Internet security and protecting citizens from Western culture influences, through the implementation of Internet restriction policies.


As Morozov’s article explores the reasons for Internet restriction in China and Russia, it is more important for us to discuss whether Internet restriction can be justified, instead of determining who the true enemy of Internet freedom is.


China has imposed restrictions on Internet platform services such as Google and Facebook due to several reasons. Firstly, the Chinese government is trying to protect its technological sovereignty. By reducing their people’s reliance on American-based Internet services, China lowers their risk of leaking information pertaining to confidential matters of state. Referring to the article, U.S. companies cooperate closely with the U.S government so as to obtain data from anywhere, as long as the country adopts American-run Internet services. It is demonstrated by the ongoing squabble between Microsoft and the U.S government(Morozov,2005), which is relevant to an investigation of Microsoft servers in Ireland, where the U.S government claimed to have rights to access data regardless where it is stored (Morozov, 2015). This shows that the U.S. is ambitious enough to control information on a worldwide scale. In fear of data leaks from state, the Chinese government has to restrict Internet services to protect its information sovereignty. Therefore, in the sense of protecting national security, Internet restriction can be understood and justified.




Frizell, (2004) argues that Chinese government had concerted effort to limit information about the incipient pro-democratic movement, such as Tiananmen Square Massacre and Xinjiang riots.  This shows the Chinese government is preserving its own interest in political terms, rather than protecting its citizens from Western influence and defending their Internet security. In my general opinion, citizens should have rights to access information and have freedom of speech. However, the successful attainment of Internet freedom is dependent on a nation’s actual condition, such as the state system and level of civilization. As a state with a large population, it is not easy for China to maintain peace and unity among citizens; so Internet restriction can be seen as a way to maintain state order. As Michael (2010) cited, laws in China clearly prohibit the spread of information which subverts state power and undermines national unity. This can be observed in the 2009 Xingjiang riot, where the Chinese government had censored posts related to the riot caused by resentment between the Han Chinese and Uyghur. This was to minimize the spreading of information which could challenge the harmony between the two races. If censorship had not been implemented, protesters from the two races may foment unrest, which could further put the country at risk of civil strife.
Although Internet restriction has prohibited citizens from accessing certain information, we cannot deny that it does protect a nation’s security to a certain extent.


In conclusion, it is important for us to understand that there is never an absolution for right or wrong, just like Internet restriction can be justified in some situation, as it does protect nation interest. It depends on country’s condition and how the government going to rule their country.

(585 words)


 Morozov, E. (2015). Who’s the true enemy of internet freedom - China, Russia, or the US. The Guardian. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jan/04/internet-freedom-china-russia-us-google-microsoft-digital-sovereignty

Frizell, S. (2014). Here Are 6 Huge Websites China is Censoring Right Now. TIME. Retrieved from http://time.com/2820452/china-censor-web/

Michael,B.(2010).China defends Internet censorship.BBS News.Retrieved from: www.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8727647.stm

2015年2月2日 星期一

summary (draft 1)

Morozov (2015) claims that rather than China or Russia, the United States(U.S.) is the true enemy of Internet freedom; as the U.S. is challenging worldwide information sovereignty by it's technology.
The author believes that U.S.is trying to obtain data from other countries, by cooperating with American-based Internet companies. The U.S. government can simply acquire the data everywhere from these companies, as long as the countries adopt American-run Internet service. On the other hand, although measures implemented by the Chinese and Russian government seem to restrict Internet freedom; these measures are only means to protect their citizens from influenced by Western culture and as ways to defend their Internet security.

Morozov,E.(2015).Who's the true enemy of the internet freedom-China,Russia,or the US. The Guardian.Retrieved from:http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jan/04/internet-freedom-china-russia-us-google-microsoft-digital-sovereignty

2015年2月1日 星期日

My English Language Learning Journey

I started learning English lesson in primary three back in my country. I can still remember the lovely cartoon characters printed on my text book, and tutors were trying to teach us by playing interesting games. The study of English seemed enjoyable when I was young. Even as I grew older and had formal English lesson in secondary school, I did not see English as a difficult subject, for only simple grammar and vocabulary were taught during each lesson.

After I had finished three years of study in secondary school and decided to continue my studies in Singapore, I realized that my rocky journey of English study had just started.The standard of English language in Singapore was much higher as compared to that in my country's school, standard speaking and writing skills were required during any examinations, yet I was unable to write a single paragraph in English when I had just entered the school.As I read books and passages,I struggled with grammar and vocabulary. Comprehension practice had always been a nightmare for me, for I had to check every single word by dictionary and it really exhausted me. Moreover, international students came from countries such as Indonesia and Philippines, which increased competition as they are more comfortable with speaking English. Anyway, the learning of English always makes me feel extremely stressed.

Learning English really became a tough job for me; however, there is no way to escape from it. Though I declared Chinese as my major studies, English writing skills are still necessary for other subjects taught in English. Furthermore,as I am living in Singapore,by improving English I will have the confidence to make more international friends. I have to work harder in my journey of learning English.

(295 words)